Using Your GEM-P800 Security System
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Tuesday, September 16, 1997 08:24
Table of Contents
System Information
Keypad Controls and Indicators ...................................
Arming your System (When Leaving) ........................... 5
Central Station Phone Number: ____________________
Central Station Account Number: ____________________
For Service Call: ____________________
Entry Delay: ____________________
Protecting Yourself While Home ..................................
Emergency Keys ..........................................................
Disarming the System ..................................................
Silencing an Alarm.......................................................
Resetting a Fire Alarm..................................................
Fire Protection ..............................................................
Special Functions ........................................................ 11
System Troubles .......................................................... 12
Programming User Codes ............................................ 14
Glossary ....................................................................... 15
Exit Delay: ____________________
Alarm Time-out: ____________________
3 Central Station Communication Test
Important - Test Your System Weekly !
(This test should only be performed on weekends or at a
time designated by your alarm company)
1 Bell / Battery Test
1 .Notify Central Station of the impending test.
2. Secure all zones to light Status Light on your keypad.
Test your bell or siren by pressing
followed by
This will cause the bell, or siren to sound for 2 seconds
andalso initiate a test of the battery .
3. Enter your User Code followed byꢁ to Arm the system.
4. Violate your alarm by opening a window / door etc.
5. The siren or bell should sound and the system will send
the alarm signals to the Central Station
2 Zone Test
Walk throughout the premises, opening each protected
door or window, and activating each motion sensor.
Check the keypad to see that each respective zone
number displays in the window.
6 .Enter your User Code followed by ꢁꢂto silence the alarm.
7. Call Central Station to insure that the alarm signals were
received properly.
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Keypad Controls and Indicators
Fire Alarm Light
will flash and the Keypad
Zone Lights (1 through 8) will light to indicate
that the corresponding Zone is open, and will
flash to indicate a zone in alarm.
AC Light will light to indicate
that AC Power is present.
sounder will beep when system is in a Fire Alarm
Condition (See Silencing a fire Alarm, Page 8)
Trouble Light
will light and the Keypad
to bypass all
interior pro-
tective de-
vices such
as motion
sounder will pulse to indicate that a system trou-
ble is present. (See System troubles, Page 12)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Status Light will light when all zones are secure
and system is ready to be Armed.
sensors, etc.
Armed Light will light when system is Armed,
and will flash when system is in Alarm
after entering
User Code
when Arming
or Disarming
followed by the corresponding
Function number to enable special functions and
options. (See Special Functions, Page 11)
Emergency Keys Press simultaneously
to signal an emergency condition.
To Bypass a zone, press
and the zone
Keys 1-9, 0.
Used to en-
ter User
Codes, Zone
to remove
number to be bypassed, and then Arm system.
entry delay
from the Exit/
Entry door.
for Fire Emergency,
for Auxiliary Emergency or
for Police Emergency.
to reset Fire Zone, clear miss-
entered codes, reset Alarm Memory, etc.
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Arming Your System
Arming Your System When Leaving
1 Before arming your system, make sure the green Status light is ON. This indicates that all of your protective zones are
secure. If any zones are open, the corresponding Zone number will be lit. Secure these zones before proceeding. If any
zones cannot be secured, see Bypassing zones below.
2 Enter your user code and pressꢁ. The green Status light will go out, the red Armed light will light.
• If you make a mistake entering your code, press
, re-enter the code and pressꢁ.
• If FIRE is lit, the Fire zone has not been properly reset. Press
(See Silencing a Fire Alarm, page 8)
, enter your user code and press ꢁ.
3 Leave the premises through the Exit/Entry door. If the keypad gives a steady tone you have taken too long. Enter your code
again to disarm system and then re-enter code and leave.
Easy Arm
The optional Easy Arm feature allows the system to be armed by simply pressingꢁ. This will allow the easy arming of the
system by someone who is not a regular system user.
Bypassing Zones
If an open zone cannot be immediately fixed it can be left unprotected, or bypassed ,while the rest of the system is Armed.
To bypass a zone:
1 Press
followed by the number of the zone to be bypassed. The bypassed zone’s number will flash slowly.
2 Enter your user code and pressꢁ. The green Status light will go out and the red Armed light will light.
3 Leave the premises through the Exit/Entry door.
When the system is subsequently disarmed, all bypassed zones will be reset, ready to be armed again. If it is necessary to
bypass any inoperative zone(s), it is important to have the zone(s) repaired as soon as possible.
A bypassed zone does not provide any protection, compromising system security.
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Arming Your System
Protecting Yourself While at Home
1 Before arming your system, make sure the green Status light is ON. This indicates that all of your protective zones are
secure. If any zones are open, the corresponding zone number will be lit. Secure those zones before proceeding.
2 Enter your User Code and press ꢁ. The green Status light will go out, and the red Armed light will light.
3 Before your exit delay expires, press
to bypass any interior zones, deactivating devices such as motion sensors,
and allowing free movement throughout the premises. The Zone light of any bypassed zones will flash slowly.
Your system may have been programmed for Automatic Interior Bypass , in which case it will recognize that you have
not left the premises and will automatically bypass any interior zones.
Instant Mode
will cancel the Entry delay , activating the “Instant” mode. This is typically done in the evening when all family
members are home for the night. Instant Mode can be activated at any time after the system has been armed. The red Armed
light will flash rapidly while in the Instant Mode.
Easy Exit (optional)
Your System may have been programmed to allow Easy Exit, which allows a user to exit the premises with the system armed.
By pressing
followed by
, the protection is removed from the Exit/ Entry zone for 3 minutes.
This will allow, for example, an early morning commuter to exit the house in the morning, without having to disarm and rearm the
system, waking the family.
Arming with a System Trouble Present (TROUBLE
is lit)
If the GEM-P800 has a system trouble present, TROUBLE
will be lit and the keypad sounder pulsing. If you cannot
immediately clear the trouble, the system can still be armed. Simply press
the system. For more information, refer to page 12. Note: System troubles should be repaired as soon as possible.
followed by
to view the trouble.
to view any other troubles, and exit the TROUBLE mode when done. Enter your User Code and pressꢁꢂto arm
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Emergency Conditions
Emergency Buttons
The three sets of emergency buttons, if programmed, are always active whether the system is armed
or disarmed. Discuss these Buttons with your installer. The emergency signal will only be activated
when the two respective buttons are pressed at the same time.
Fire Emergency
Fire Alarm:
Simultaneously press
to sound a fire alarm, and to alert
Auxiliary Emergency
the central station of a fire emergency, if so programmed.
Auxiliary Alarm:
Simultaneously press
auxiliary emergency, if so programmed.
(The nature of this emergency alarm is to be determined by the installer)
to alert the central station of an
Police Emergency: Simultaneously press
to sound a police emergency alarm,
Police Emergency
and to alert the central station of a Police emergency, if so programmed.
Ambush Alarm
Ambush Alarm
In the event that you are forced by an intruder to disarm your system, the ambush alarm can be
activated. Disarming the system with the Ambush Code will cause the system to disarm and
simultaneously send a silent ambush alarm signal to Central Station. If your system has the Ambush
feature enabled, the code assigned as the User 8 code will function as your Ambush Code.
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Disarming Your System / Silencing an Alarm
Disarming Your System when Returning
1 Enter your premises through the Entry/Exit door. The keypad will sound a steady tone to remind you to disarm the system
before your Entry Delay time expires.
2 Enter your User Code and pressꢁ. The red Armed light will go out, indicating that the system has been disarmed.
Note: If you make a mistake entering your code, press
and re-enter the code, followed byꢁ.
Alarm Indication
If the Red Armed light is flashing rapidly, an alarm occurred while you were away. Proceed with caution!
For your own protection, leave immediately and call authorities from a neighbors phone .
Silencing an Alarm
In the event that the system goes into alarm due to a violated burglary zone, the siren and the keypad sounder will activate and
the number of the zone inalarm will flash in the display. To silence the system, enter your User code followed byꢁꢂ.
The keypad sounder and siren will silence, but the zone in alarm will continue to flash. Press
to reset this alarm memory.
Silencing a Fire Alarm
In the event that the Fire alarm activates due to an violated smoke or fire detector, the bell or siren will sound a distinct pulsating
tone. FIRE on the keypad will be flashing, and the keypad sounder will emit a pulsing tone. If a Fire Alarm does occur:
1 If a fire is in progress, evacuate the premises immediately! Call the Fire Department from an outside phone.
2 If there is no evidence of a fire, enter your User Code followed byꢁ. The bell or siren will silence, and FIRE
stop flashing, but will still be lit.
3 Determine which device went into alarm. If you are protected by smoke detectors, the light on the active detector will be lit.
Once it is determined which smoke detector is in alarm, press to reset the fire zone.
4 If the Fire zone has reset properly, FIRE
should go out in approx. 30 seconds. If it does not go out, press
again in a few minutes. If it still does not go out, call for service.
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Fire Protection
Preparing a Fire Escape Plan
Even with the most advanced fire alarm system, adequate protection requires an escape plan.
To prepare your plan, draw floor plans of your building. (space is provided on the next page) Show two exits - a front or
back door and a window from each room. (Make sure each window works. You may need a special fire-escape ladder if
the window is high up.) Write down your outside meeting place.
Family Rehearsal
Rehearse each of the following activities:
1 Everyone in his room with the doors closed.
2 One person sounds the alarm.
Would You Like More Safety Information?
For more information on home fire detection,
burn safety, and home fire safety, write to:
3 Each person tests his door.
4 Pretend that the door is hot and use the alternate escape exit.
5 Everyone meets outdoors at the assigned spot.
National Fire Protection Association,
Public Affairs Dept. 05A,
Batterymarch Plaza,
Important! - Read Carefully
Discuss each of these escape procedures with all those who
use the building.
Quincy, MA 02269
1 In a residence, sleep with the bedroom door closed.
2 When the fire alarm signals, escape quickly. Do not stop to pack.
3 Test the door. If it is hot, use your alternate route through the window.
If the door is cool, brace your shoulder against it and open it cautiously.
Be ready to slam the door if smoke or heat rushes in. Crawl through the
smoke, holding your breath. Close the doors again on leaving to help
prevent the fire from spreading.
4 Go to your specific outdoor meeting place so you can see that everyone is safe.
5 Call the Fire Department from a neighbor’s telephone.
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Fire Protection
Draw a plan of your premises below.
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Special Functions
By pressing A followed by the the appropriate key, (do not press simultaneously) these special functions and features
can be enabled:
Display System Trouble
Easy Arm (when system is disarmed)
followed by
The Easy Arm feature allows the system to be armed by
pressing followed by . This will allow the easy
is lit will cause the system to display any current system
troubles. Pressing
will exit the Display System
arming of the system by someone who is not a regular
system user.
Trouble Mode.
Easy Exit (when system is armed)
Chime Mode On / Off
This function (if programmed) allows an occupant to leave
the premises without disarming the system. Pressing
followed by will activate / deactivate
the door chime. Activating this feature will cause any door to
beep the keypad sounder when it is opened.
followed by
while the system is armed will
start a 3 minute period, during which you can leave through
the Exit/ Entry door.
Program Mode
ꢂ followed by
will enable the “Program
Bell / Battery Test
Mode”, which will allow you to program and erase user codes.
(see Programming user codes, page 14)
followed by
will cause the bell, or
siren to sound for 2 seconds. This will also initiate a test of
your battery to make sure it is adequately charged. The
P800 also performs an automatic battery test very 24 hours
Keypad Sounder On / Off
followed by
will deactivate / activate
the keypad sounder, depending on its present state. By
deactivating the sounder on a keypad installed in a bedroom,
for example, you will only turn off that keypad’s sounder.
All other keypads on the system will still sound normally.
Access Output
If programmed, pressing
followed by
activate the Access Output which may be configured to
open a door strike, turn on lighting, or activate some other
special feature your installer has provided.
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ꢀꢁSystem Troubles
The GEM-P800 is constantly monitoring its own components, as well as all critical services, such as AC power and the telephone
line, to insure that it is always ready to provide the protection for which it was designed. When a system trouble does occur, it will
caution you by lighting the TROUBLE
light and beeping the keypad buzzer.
If you cannot immediately clear the system trouble, the system can still be used. Simply press
trouble as described below, and then arm the system.
followed by
to view the
To determine the nature of the trouble, press
followed by
, count the number of keypad beeps and observe the number
of the illuminated zone. Refer to the following table to determine the cause of the trouble. If there is more than one trouble to view,
will scroll to the next trouble, and then exit the TROUBLE
mode if there are no more troubles to view.
Keypad Beeps or Zone light
System Trouble
1 Beep
AC Power Failure
This trouble will occur if AC power is not present. Make sure system transformer is
plugged into AC receptacle and check the circuit breaker, otherwise call installing
company for service.
1 Beep
1 Beep
Low Battery
If there has been a recent power failure, the battery may be partially depleted and
must be recharged by the control panel. If the trouble does not go away in 24 hours,
call installing company for service.
The system was not able to report to central station. If this is due to a temporary inter-
ruption in the telephone service, the trouble can be cleared when the service is re-
stored by pressing
followed by
again to view the trouble, and and then
pressing to exit. Otherwise, call installing company for service.
1 Beep
Telephone Line Cut
Bell/Siren Trouble
The telephone line has failed. If telephone service has been temporarily interrupted,
the trouble will clear it is when restored. Otherwise, call installing company for service.
2 Beeps
There is a problem with the Bell or Siren. Call installing company for service.
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ꢀSystem Troubles ꢇ
Keypad Beeps or Zone light
System Trouble
2 Beeps
Fire Trouble
A problem has been detected in the Fire Circuit.
Call installing company for service.
2 Beeps
2 Beeps
3 Beeps
Wireless Receiver
A problem has been detected with the wireless receiver.
Call installing company for service.
Wireless Receiver Jam A problem has been detected with a wireless receiver.
Call installing company for service.
Wireless Transmitter The battery in a wireless transmitter is low and should be replaced. This transmitter is
Low Battery
on the zone corresponding to the number of the lit zone light. The replacement battery
for the GEM-Trans2 door/window transmitter, GEM-PIR motion detector and GEM-GB
glass break detector is the Duracell DL123A 3 volt lithium. (2 required for the GEM-PIR
and GEM-GB.) The GEM-DT Dual Technology Sensor requires 4 C cell alkaline batter-
Warning: Replace batteries only with the same type as specified above. Use of
another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. Do not recharge or disassemble
battery, or dispose of in fire.
4 Beeps
5 Beeps
Wireless Transmitter A problem has been detected with a wireless transmitter.
Supervisory Failure
Call installing company for service
Wireless Smoke
The battery in a wireless smoke detector is low and should be replaced. This wireless
Detector Low Battery smoke detector should be marked with a number corresponding to the number of the lit
zone light. The replacement battery is the Duracell MN1604 9 Volt Alkaline(2 required ).
Warning: Replace batteries only with the same type as specified above. Use of another
battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. Do not recharge or disassemble battery,
or dispose of in fire.
6 Beeps
7 Beeps
Wireless Smoke
Detector Supervisory Call installing company for service.
A problem has been detected with a wireless smoke detector.
Zone Trouble
Call installing company for service.
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Programming User Codes
Your Installer has assigned a User 1 Code which can be used to not only Arm and Disarm the system, but also to enter the User
Program Mode, where you can program other user codes. The following explains how you will use this code to program or erase
additional user codes.
Entering the User Program Mode
followed by
and enter the User 1 code folowed byꢁ. The Armed, Status and
ꢂlights will flash, and the
keypad will beep 4 times. You are now in the User Program mode. Zones 1 through 8 will light to indicate any User Codes
presently programmed.
Programming / Reprogramming User Codes
1 Press the User number to be programmed. (For example, press
to program the User 2 code.).
The keypad will beep 2 times and the corresponding Zone will flash to indicate the user number you are about to program.
2 Press in the 4 digits of the new User 2 code, the keypad will beep 4 times.
3 If there are more user codes to be programmed, return to step 1 above, otherwise, go to Exiting the User Program Mode
Erasing a User Code
1 Press the User number to be erased. The keypad will beep 2 times and the corresponding Zone light will flash to indicate the
user number you are about to erase.
2 Press
. The zone light will go out to indicate that the user code has been erased.
3 If there are more user codes to be erased, return to step 1 above, otherwise, go to Exiting the User Program Mode below.
Exiting the User Program Mode
When you are done programming or erasing User codes, press
to Exit the User Program Mode.
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Ambush Code - In the event that you
Central Station - Monitors alarm,
Keypad Sounder - A local warning de-
are forced by an intruder to disarm your emergency and trouble reports from the vice at the keypad to alert that Entry
system, this special code can be used to alarm system and notifies proper authori- delay has started,
disarm the system, and simultaneously ties.
System Trouble - A problem has been
Chime - a keypad beep which indicates detected in the system which may pre-
that a door has been opened while the vent it from working properly.
send a silent alarm to Central Station. If
your system has the Ambush feature
enabled, the code assigned as the User
8 code will function as your Ambush
system is disarmed.
will be lit to indicate a sys-
tem trouble.
Easy Exit - Allows an occupant to leave
Arming / Disarming - Turning the
system on or off by entering your user
the premises without disarming the sys-
User Code - A four digit code which is
used to arm and disarm the system from
the keypad.
tem. Pressing
and then
code at the keypad, followed byꢁ.
while the system is armed will permit exit
by removing the protection on the Exit/
Entry door for 3 minutes.
User 1 Code - A four digit code which
can be used to program, re-program
and erase user codes, as well as arm
and disarm the system from the keypad.
Auto Interior Bypass - A feature which
allows the system to recognize when you
have not left the premises and automati-
cally bypass any interior zones, deacti-
vating devices such as motion sensors,
allowing free movement throughout the
Exit/Entry Delay - The amount of time
you are allowed to enter and leave the
premises when the system is armed.
Zone - An area which is protected by a
security device. Your front door may be
designated as Zone 1, while the living
room motion detector may be Zone 2.
Refer to the Zone Label on your keypad
for the Zone Identification of your sys-
Exit/Entry Zone - A zone which will
allow you to enter and leave the
premises when the system is armed.
Battery - A backup source of power to
provide protection for a limited time in
the event of a power failure.
Instant Protection - Arming without En-
try Delay while remaining on the
Bypass - the manual or automatic re-
moval of one or more protection zones
premises. (Press
while armed)
from the system. Press
and then
the zone number to bypass a zone.
Tuesday, September 16, 1997 08:24
page 15
NAPCO SECURITY SYSTEMS, INC. (NAPCO) warrants its products to be free from manufacturing defects nor authorizes any other person purporting to act on its behalf to modify, to change, or to assume for it, any
in materials and workmanship for thirty-six months following the date of manufacture. NAPCO will, within other warranty or liability concerning its products.
said period, at its option, repair or replace any product failing to operate correctly without charge to the
original purchaser or user.
In no event shall NAPCO be liable for an amount in excess of NAPCO's original selling price of the product,
for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or otherwise arising out of any
This warranty shall not apply to any equipment, or any part thereof, which has been repaired by others, failure of the product. Seller's warranty, as hereinabove set forth, shall not be enlarged, diminished or
improperly installed, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged, subjected to acts of God, or on which any affected by and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of Seller's rendering of technical advice or
serial numbers have been altered, defaced or removed. Seller will not be responsible for any dismantling or service in connection with Buyer's order of the goods furnished hereunder.
reinstallation charges.
ON THE FACE HEREOF. THERE IS NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR Warning: Despite frequent testing, and due to, but not limited to, any or all of the following; criminal
tampering, electrical or communications disruption, it is possible for the system to fail to perform as
expected. NAPCO does not represent that the product/system may not be compromised or circumvented; or
that the product or system will prevent any personal injury or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or
otherwise; nor that the product or system will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. A properly
installed and maintained alarm may only reduce risk of burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise but it is not
insurance or a guarantee that these events will not occur. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO
THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. Therefore, the installer should in turn advise the consumer to
take any and all precautions for his or her safety including, but not limited to, fleeing the premises and calling
police or fire department, in order to mitigate the possibilities of harm and/or damage.
Any action for breach of warranty, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability, must
be brought within the six months following the end of the warranty period.
In case of defect, contact the security professional who installed and maintains your security system. In
order to exercise the warranty, the product must be returned by the security professional, shipping costs
prepaid and insured to NAPCO. After repair or replacement, NAPCO assumes the cost of returning products
under warranty. NAPCO shall have no obligation under this warranty, or otherwise, if the product has been
repaired by others, improperly installed, improperly used, abused, altered, damaged, subjected to accident,
nuisance, flood, fire or acts of God, or on which any serial numbers have been altered, defaced or removed.
NAPCO will not be responsible for any dismantling, reassembly or reinstallation charges.
NAPCO is not an insurer of either the property or safety of the user's family or employees, and limits its
liability for any loss or damage including incidental or consequential damages to NAPCO's original selling
price of the product regardless of the cause of such loss or damage.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or differentiate in their treatment of limitations of liability
for ordinary or gross negligence, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This Warranty
gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
This warranty contains the entire warranty. It is the sole warranty and any prior agreements or representa-
tions, whether oral or written, are either merged herein or are expressly cancelled. NAPCO neither assumes,
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures: reorient the receiving antenna; relocate the computer with respect to the receiver;
move the computer away from the receiver; plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and
receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for
additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications
Commission helpful: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems”. This booklet is
available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.
This equipment generates and uses radio-frequency energy and, if not installed and used properly, that
is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio and television
reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class-B computing device in
accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the
NAPCO Security Systems, 333 Bayview Avenue, Amityville, NY 11701
OI219C 07/97
page 16
Tuesday, September 16, 1997 08:24
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