The Garrett GTI 1500 metal detector
with Treasure Imaging and Graphic Target
Analyzer truly adds a new dimension to
treasure hunting. A precision electronic
instrument designed to utilize the miracles
of high technology, especially to help find
coins, the GTI 1500 will accomplish this
task better than any other detector ever
manufactured. It can also locate jewelry,
gold nuggets or any other kind of metallic
Deep-seeking sensitivity and precise dis-
crimination enable this marvelous instru-
ment to identify targets by size as well as
conductivity and to report actual depth of
targets of any size, not just coins.
This exciting One-Touch metal detector is
automatic and surprisingly easy to oper-
ate. Yet those who have special treasure
hunting demands will find the GTI 1500
meticulously adaptable to any personal
style of detecting. Microprocessor-con-
trolled circuitry truly makes this an excep-
tionally deep seeking detector.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀ
Although the GTI 1500 is built to with-
stand rugged treatment outdoors while
giving years of trouble-free service, always
remember that this detector is a precision
electronic instrument.
Protect it from extreme heat and cold as
well as mist, rain or blowing sand. Keep it
as clean as possible.
ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
To The Owner
Touch pads
Graphic Target Display
Hunting Basics
Operating Adjustments
Control Settings
Search Aids
Operating Modes
Setting Discrimination (Notches)
Treasure Imaging
Bench Testing
Operating Recommendations
Headphone Jack
Recommended Accessories
Specialized Hunting
Repair Service
Recommended Reading
RAM Book Order Form
Mind Your Manners
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 5
As the proud owner of a Garrett GTI 1500,
you enter a new and exciting world of
treasure hunting. Treasure imaging and
the Graphic Target Analyzer enable you to
find coins with an ease that will take your
breath away. You will spend your hobby
hours in recovering treasure, not digging
Study this Manual to learn the basic func-
tions of your new GTI 1500. Its target
identification and sizing, deep seeking and
discrimination capabilities can find coins
and any other kind of metallic treasure
with an ease that will amaze and delight
Use Treasure Imaging to identify the size
of any target you locate:
• Dig only "B-size" targets to avoid cans
and similar trash while locating coins and
most rings.
• Set GTA discrimination so that you hunt
only for specific targets.
6 - Garrett Metal Detectors
• Use the Target ID Guide to learn what
you've found.
• Pinpoint electronically to determine loca-
tion of target and learn size and depth.
• Find deeper treasures with computerized
Your GTI 1500, whose microprocessor-
controlled circuitry has been acclaimed
and proven through countless hours of
field use, is unparalleled in the simplicity
of its operation. Just touch the POWER
touch pad and begin hunting immediately.
The GTI 1500 offers dedicated coin hunt-
ers the automatic tuning adjustment pre-
cision available only with computerized
When you find a target, Garrett's revolu-
tionary GTA display instantly directs you to
that target's range on the Target ID Guide.
Press the TREASURE IMAGING pad to dis-
cover its exact size and depth, which will
give you additional clues to its identity.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 7
Welcome again to the Garrett fraternity
of successful treasure hunting hobbyists.
Now, find your own coins and other
treasures with the GTI 1500, one of the
world’s most capable and universal metal
detectors, yet one that is amazingly easy
to operate.
8 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Your GTI 1500 is shipped complete in one
A. Control Housing
B. Upper and Lower Stems
C. Imaging Searchcoil
D. Parts Envelope
E. Training DVD & Owner’s Manual
F. Warranty Registration Card
Make certain all of these parts are included
and are undamaged. Report any shortages
or damages immediately to your dealer.
Follow these assembly instructions. No
tools are required. Hand pressure will be
satisfactory for all tightening.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 9
Inspect contents of the clear plastic enve-
lope (see above).
• One (1) knob
• Two (2) Washers
• One (1) threaded bolt
1. Attach the lower stem to the 9.5” imag-
ing searchcoil. Make certain that the two
rubber washers are inserted onto the
lower stem before slipping the searchcoil
onto it.
Place the threaded bolt through the holes
in the connector and hand-tighten using
the remaining wing nut. Use no tools. (See
image A on page 11.)
10 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Image A
Image B
2. Depress buttons in the Control Housing
stem and slide on the Upper Stem (see
Image B above).
ꢀ. Depress the buttons in the Lower Stem
and insert it into the Upper Stem. Buttons
will pop into the holes, and you can
achieve the desired stem length. The third
set of holes from the end is most com-
monly used.
ꢁ. As shown (see Image C on follow-
ing page), wrap searchcoil cable securely
around stem and connect to detector.
The first cable turn goes over the top
of the stem. The cable should be snug
but still slightly loose so that the angle
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 11
Image C
Image D
of the searchcoil can be changed easily,
if required. To connect the cable to the
detector, insert the cable connector into
the connector on the control housing as
shown and rotate the collar clockwise until
secure (approximately four (ꢁ) turns).
(See Image D above.)
Hand tighten only. Your GTI 2500 is fully
equipped with eight (8) AA batteries.
12 - Garrett Metal Detectors
• Power/Hold to Reset
Turns detector ON and OFF as well as
returns it to factory settings when held.
• Menu/Scroll
Allows the Operator to scroll through the
following settings to make adjustments or
turn them ON or OFF. As you continue to
push the Menu/Scroll button, you will see
the following options:
—Modes (5)
Coins, Jewelry, Relics, Zero, Custom
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 1ꢀ
—Custom Functions Menu
Sensitivity (Depth), Threshold (Audio
Level), Frequency, Volume, Tone,
Rechargable battery
—Search Aids
Salt Elimination, Belltone, Backlight
• Accept / Reject
Permits acceptance or rejection of specific
target segments shown on the Lower Scale
to establish discrimination notches.
• Treasure Imaging (Pinpoint)
When pressed and held, activates the
automatic pinpointing function. In this
mode the cursor indicating the target just
discovered will blink on the Upper Scale
as the target's signal strength is shown.
Depth of target will be shown on the Lower
Scale and size of the target indicated at
the bottom of the Display Screen.
• Operate
Returns to operate (hunting) mode after
any change or adjustment of controls.
• Last Mode
Returns detector to the mode (Coins,
1ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Jewelry, Relics, Zero, Custom) that was
previously being used.
- & +
These touch pads permit precise regula-
tion of the GTI 1500 . You will note that
each press of a touch pad causes seg-
ments on the Upper Scale to move either
to the right (+) or to the left (-).
The + and - touch pads enable the follow-
ing regulation: Permit alternation between
the five search modes; Permit adjust-
ment of levels of sensitivity, Threshold,
Frequency, Volume and Tone; Activate (+)
or turn off (-) Salt Elimination, Bell tone
target audio and Backlight; Activate (+) or
turn off (-) the NiMH battery gauge; Move
cursor in the Upper Scale when discrimina-
tion is being set in the Operate mode.
Experiment with these touch pads your-
self and experience the precise degree of
regulation possible with the GTI 1500.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 15
Target ID Guide
This guide printed above the LCD screen
shows U.S. coin denominations, gold, sil-
ver and other typical metallic objects.
Upper Scale
Indicates target discovered; Indicates tar-
get strength in Treasure Imaging mode;
Indicates levels of Menu control settings.
Lower Scale
Indicates depth of all targets in inches
when in Treasure Imaging mode.
16 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Operating Status
The complete operating status of your
detector is shown on the screen at all
times. When the TREASURE IMAGING
(pinpointing) touch pad is pressed and
held, size and depth of targets will also
be shown.
The mode in which you are searching will
always be shown on the left side of the
screen under the MODE heading.
AIDS are shown at the top of the screen in
its center to indicate detector status.
MENU is shown when the detector is being
regulated. OPERATE will be illuminated
whenever you have pressed the OPERATE
touch pad and are hunting, and IMAGE
when you press and hold the TREASURE
IMAGING touch pad. SEARCH AIDS is illu-
minated to indicate the Search Aids that
have been activated.
On the second line are detector functions
you can regulate as desired: Sensitivity,
Threshold, Frequency, Volume, Tone and
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 17
Rechargeable (seen in lower right corner
of LCD screen). When one of these func-
tions has been illuminated by use of the
MENU/SCROLL touch pad, it can be regu-
lated by pressing the + or - touch pads.
Treasure Imaging
Five target sizes are shown on the color-
coded Imaging diagram at the bottom of
the screen.
Size A - Solid small oval (orange): tar-
gets smaller than coins, including bits of
iron or foil.
Size B - Oval extending to B grid lines
(red): all U.S. coins, most rings and small
metal trash such as pieces of pull tabs.
18 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Size C - Oval extending to C grid lines
(purple): targets larger than coins and
smaller than 12-oz. cans, such as large
rings, small belt buckles, jewelry and such
trash targets as screw tops, bottle caps
and complete pull tabs.
Size D - Oval extending to D grid lines
(blue): larger belt buckles, large jew-
elry items, 12-oz. cans and other items of
similar size.
Size E - Oval extending to E grid lines
(green): objects larger than a 12-oz. can,
such as kettles, strongbox or big metallic
Experience with Treasure Imaging will
enable a hobbyist to identify to an amaz-
ingly precise degree any target before it
is recovered. The Target ID Guide print-
ed above the LCD screen showing coin
denominations, gold, silver and other typi-
cal metallic objects is designed to relate
location of the Target Cursor with the size
indication to help identify discoveries.
Note - The five letters (A,B,C,D,E) on each
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 19
side of the diagram and the horizontal
color-coded lines connecting them. These
refer to the five relative sizes at the bot-
tom of the Display Screen.
Relating conductivity and size to help
determine your target before digging it
is a unique feature of the GTI. The target
cursor on the Upper Scale, which indicates
the target's conductivity, will blink as you
pinpoint a target and learn its size, as
indicated at the bottom of the Display
Screen. The blinking cursor will indicate
the last target discovered before the
TREASURE IMAGING (Pinpoint) touch pad
was pressed.
Thus a "B-size" target with a coin's con-
ductivity as indicated on the Target ID
Guide will most likely be a coin.
Because continued practice in relating
size and conductivity will help you identify
targets before you dig them, you will dig
more treasure and less trash.
20 - Garrett Metal Detectors
This OneTouch detector is today's most
advanced; yet, its basic automatic opera-
tion makes it as simple to operate as
any detector ever manufactured. You can
begin hunting with it immediately. No spe-
cial instructions are needed beyond what's
included in the next few pages.
More importantly, you can start finding
coins right now! Here's how to begin:
1. There are no dials to turn and no con-
trols to adjust. Just grasp the handle of
your GTI 1500, and hold the searchcoil
at least three feet away from any large
metallic object.
2. Touch and release the POWER touch
pad and the GTI 1500 will begin detecting.
The GTI screen appears as shown on the
following page. You can see that you are
operating in the Coins detection mode with
Bell tone audio turned on, both preset at
the factory.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 21
ꢀ. Your GTI 1500 begins operating with all
settings at factory-set levels. Any of the
settings can be easily changed, but you
many never want to do so! It is recom-
mended that you use the factory settings
the first few hours you hunt with your
Swing the searchcoil back and forth in
front of you in a straight line or slight arc
as shown in the photograph atop the fac-
ing page. Keep the searchcoil moving at a
rate of about one to three feet per second.
Maintain your coil at a height of one to
two inches. The coil should be kept level
at all times.
22 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Detection of all metal targets will be
indicated by the appearance of a Target
Cursor on the Upper Scale. A cursor will
appear, as shown below, to indicate every
detected target and will remain for ꢁ
seconds or until a new target is detected
(whichever comes first). Desirable targets
will also produce a "beep". In the illustra-
tion below the Target Cursor is located at
9+, which would probably indicate a quar-
ter if Treasure Imaging shows it to be a B-
size target. Locate your target by scanning
back and forth over it to determine where
signals are strongest.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 2ꢀ
Treasure Imaging (Pinpoint)
Press and hold this touch pad to put
your detector into a Treasure Imaging
(Pinpoint) mode so that you can locate
your target more precisely and also deter-
mine its relative size and depth. Size will
be shown at the bottom of the Display
Screen, as shown above. Since you have
a B-size target and your Target Cursor is
blinking at 9+, you have probably found
a quarter.
Pinpointing and sizing through TREASURE
IMAGING can be an invaluable aid to trea-
sure hunting when used properly.
To turn OFF your detector: Simply press
and release the POWER touch pad. Charles
Garrett recommends that you first become
familiar with your new detector by hunting
for at least 10 hours in the factory preset
2ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Coins mode and that you read carefully
the Warning section in this manual.
By now you are also certainly impressed
with the super sensitivity, depth capabili-
ties and the target analysis of this detector
which utilizes patented DSP (Digital Signal
Processing) methods to give it advanced
detection capabilities that can be matched
by those of only one other detector, the
GTI 2500. You may have encountered an
occasional instance when your GTI 1500
seemed to present inconsistent informa-
tion. This probably occurred when the
detector was attempting to analyze two
or more targets beneath its searchcoil or
when you have not properly centered the
coil over your target.
This problem of analysis occurs with all
detectors, but the GTI 1500 discovers
vastly more targets than old-style instru-
ments with their limited circuitry. In addi-
tion, the deep seeking power of the detec-
tor may sometimes cause it to detect but
fail to identify clearly a target some dis-
tance away, one over which your search-
coil has not even scanned.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 25
Correct operating techniques will enable
you to properly use all of the data pre-
sented by your detector to become aware
of the precise nature of all targets.
You will quickly master these techniques
and learn why the GTI 1500 with DSP,
Treasure Imaging and controls based on
patented microprocessor technology has
more accurate discrimination and better
sensitivity and effectiveness than other
26 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Status of each of the control selections
will be shown on the LCD Graphic Display
above the control panel touch pads. When
you touch the POWER touch pad, your GTI
1500 is ready to hunt in a Coins operating
mode with threshold, sensitivity (depth),
tone and other controls preset at the fac-
tory, as shown above. As explained in
the following pages, settings can be easily
changed through regulation of the + and
- touch pads.
The GTI 1500 functions like other detec-
tors and its coil must be moving slightly
for detection to occur. Microprocessor-
controlled DSP circuitry of the GTI 1500,
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 27
unlike that of ordinary detectors, however,
adapts automatically to the coil's rate of
movement. Your searches will have the
same high degree of accuracy whether
you are scanning rapidly to cover a large
area quickly or moving methodically and
very slowly over a location with multiple
targets. Automatic circuitry is designed
to provide precise ground balance at any
Five different modes of detection are
available, each with specific discrimination
notches which are shown on the Lower
Scale. When the name of the particular
mode you select is constant, while the
other four are blinking, either press the
OPERATE touch pad to begin hunting or
the MENU touch pad to move to another
control selection.
28 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Sensitivity (Depth)
Press the MENU touch pad to display
SENSITIVITY on the screen (shown with
factory setting at approximately 75% as
indicated on the Upper Scale), and you can
use the + and - touch pads to adjust the
sensitivity at which your detector will oper-
ate most effectively. These changes will be
shown on the Upper Scale. Although the
instrument’s maximum sensitivity (depth)
is usually desired, this is often not feasible
because of the type of soil over which you
are scanning or because of electromag-
netic or power line interference. Ground
mineralization and other considerations
can limit the detector's ability to interpret
target information. This control option
permits you to achieve a stability that per-
mits maximum detection depth possible
in relation to any specific environmental
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 29
Press + to increase sensitivity. Press -
to decrease. A single touch and release
adjusts the level in a small increment.
Continuous pressing results in a continu-
ous adjustment.
Press the MENU touch pad to display
THRESH on the screen (above, with fac-
tory setting indicated on Upper Scale),
and you can use the + and - touch pads to
adjust the threshold of sound that is being
produced by the GTI 1500 as it scans.
Multiple touches will increase or decrease
the sound level. Changes can be seen on
the Upper Scale.
You can search silently or at any level of
constant sound. Charles Garrett and veter-
an hobbyists usually prefer to operate the
instrument at a minimum level of audible
sound but this is no longer necessary.
ꢀ0 - Garrett Metal Detectors
The audio will increase sharply when-
ever a desirable target is encountered.
(Remember, a cursor will indicate every
target.) When headphones are used, it
will usually be necessary to decrease the
threshold level since sound is more audible
through headphones.
This detector is capable of operating at
four different detection frequencies or
channels, which you will find valuable if
you participate in competition hunting or
if you enjoy hunting with others. In fact,
operating your GTI 1500 at a different
frequency might be necessary any time
two or more detectors are being used so
close together that their signals interfere
with one another. Outside electrical or
atmospheric interference can also cause
an interference that results in strange
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀ1
Whenever you hear unusual sounds and
believe that you are encountering interfer-
ence, press and release the MENU touch
pad until FREQ appears on the screen (as
shown on the previous page). The Upper
Scale will indicate the frequency at which
your detector is now operating. Use the +
and - touch pads to change this frequency
until you find one with little or no interfer-
After pressing the MENU touch pad to
display VOLUME on the screen, the fac-
tory setting for the loudness of the target
sound will be indicated on the Upper Scale
(as shown above). Use the + and - touch
pads to adjust audio to the volume that
you prefer. Touching the + pad will make
the sound louder, while touching the - will
lower the volume. Since this adjustment
ꢀ2 - Garrett Metal Detectors
controls the maximum volume of sound
produced by the GTI 1500 only when a
target is encountered, it will not affect the
threshold level you have already selected
as the primary audio function of your
When headphones are used, it will usually
be necessary to decrease volume since
detections sounds are louder over head-
phones. Experiment to determine which
volume best suits your hearing.
After using the MENU touch pad to display
TONE on the screen, the factory tone set-
ting will be indicated on the Upper Scale,
as shown. Use the + and - touch pads to
adjust the audio to preferred pitch or tone.
Touching the + pad will raise the tone into
a higher treble range, while touching - will
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀꢀ
lower the pitch to a bass tone. All touches
will make changes indicated on the Upper
Scale. Experiment to find the pitch that
suits your hearing.
Battery Gauge
The scale (lower right of screen) indicates
the condition of standard (carbon or alka-
line) or rechargeable batteries. To turn on
the rechargeable option, press the MENU
touch pad until RECHARGE is displayed.
Press the (+) or (-) touch pad to activate.
ꢀꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Salt Elimination
When hunting on an ocean beach, or over
any ground with high salt content, you
may want to use this Search Aid to elimi-
nate interference caused by wetted salt.
If you wish to turn on the Salt Elimination
aid, use the MENU to display Salt Elim and
press + when the word is blinking to turn
it on. Press - to turn OFF the function and
cause the word to blink.
Bell tone
Garrett's Coin Alert Bell tone, which is the
factory audio setting for the GTI, will signal
the operator with a special ringing sound
whenever a target has been located—such
as a coin—of high conductivity shown on
the highest (first nine from right) seg-
ments on the Upper Scale. Other accepted
targets will cause a normal "beep," with a
lower tone produced by targets in the iron
range (four lowest segments on the left of
the scale).
If you wish to use the Belltone audio
enhancement for target sounds, no action
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀ5
is necessary at factory settings. To turn
off this function use MENU to display the
word, press - and the word will begin
blinking. Pressing + will turn it back on.
This function of the GTI 1500 lights the
control panel so that the detector can
be used at night or in dark places. The
Backlight will turn on automatically when-
ever the unit is in the MENU mode and will
turn itself off when you leave this mode
unless you have activated the function, as
described below.
If you wish to turn on the Backlight aid,
use the MENU to display Backlight and
press + when the word is blinking to turn
it on. Press - to turn off the function and
cause the word to blink.
To maximize battery life it is recommended
that you make certain that the Backlight
is turned off whenever it is not needed.
Additional Settings Information
All of the personal preference adjust-
ments you have just set in the GTI 1500
ꢀ6 - Garrett Metal Detectors
with the various operating functions will
be retained by the detector when you
press POWER to turn the detector OFF.
These personal alterations are held in a
non-volatile memory circuit and retained
even when the batteries are removed. The
detector must be turned off when batteries
are being replaced.
Any changes you make in discrimination
settings in the various modes, however,
will be retained only in the Custom Mode.
Because ground conditions can vary from
place to place, it may be necessary for you
to adjust Sensitivity occasionally.
If you are ever unsure about the settings
of the GTI 1500, you can instantly restore
the precise factory-set levels of all settings
and controls. Just press and hold down the
POWER touch pad for five seconds or until
a "double-beep" lets you know that factory
settings have been restored.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀ7
Press MENU and use the + touch pad to
rotate through five different modes of
detection that are available, each with a
specific discrimination configuration as
shown on the Lower Scale. When the
name of the particular mode you select is
constant, while the other four are blinking,
either press the OPERATE touch pad to
begin hunting or the MENU touch pad to
move to another control selection.
Discrimination preset in the detector for
this mode that is shown above is designed
to eliminate detection of lower conduc-
tivity trash targets, such as bottle caps,
most pull tabs and other objects normally
encountered in coin hunting. Some bent
pull tabs and pieces of tabs may not
be eliminated from detection. Successful
ꢀ8 - Garrett Metal Detectors
treasure hunters, however, all understand
that they must dig some junk occasionally.
Correct operation of the GTI 1500 should
reduce this wasted effort.
This detection mode, is specifically
designed to aid in hunting for jewelry, with
discrimination in the detector's circuitry
set to eliminate such trash targets as
lower conductivity items and bottle caps.
This detection mode (shown above) is
specifically designed for relic hunting, with
discrimination in the detector's circuitry
set to eliminate trash targets normally
associated with relic hunting, while includ-
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢀ9
ing good targets in the lower conductivity
range, items generally sought by most
relic hunters.
Zero Discrimination
This mode, shown above, permits you
to hunt with no discrimination and offers
a method of "dual-mode" hunting. Your
detector will give a "beep" to announce
any metal it scans over while a cursor
indicates it. You can then press Last Mode
to return to another of the Discriminate
modes to "quick-check" a target.
This mode was designed to be set by
the operator. When the detector leaves
the factory, Custom has been set to the
Coins mode. Through use of the ACCEPT/
REJECT touch pad, a hobbyist can modify
this mode's discrimination to individual
specifications. And modifications will be
ꢁ0 - Garrett Metal Detectors
retained by the detector's memory when
it is switched OFF.
Many GTI 1500 owners may rarely use
the Custom mode, and will hunt only in
the preset Coins, Jewelry, Relics or Zero
Discrimination modes. Complete instruc-
tions for setting discrimination notches for
any of these modes can be found on the
following four pages of this manual.
Note: When the detector is turned OFF
and then turned back ON again, it will
begin operations in the mode in which it
was previously operating. Whenever the
POWER touch pad is pressed and held,
however, factory settings will be restored
and the detector will begin operating in the
Coins Mode.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢁ1
Using only the discrimination of its factory-
set Coins, Jewelry, Relics and Zero operat-
ing modes, the GTI 1500 will more than
satisfy the requirements of almost every
treasure hunter. Many will never require
any other discrimination. Still, this detec-
tor offers more, Custom discrimination, to
tailor a detection mode to any requirement
by setting precise detection "notches."
The Lower Scale contains Discrimination
Segments. Those that are turned on
(darkened) represent targets whose con-
ductivity will cause a "beep" when they
are detected in any operating mode. In
the Zero mode all segments are turned
ON, which indicates that almost every
metal target will cause the "beep" of a
detected target. Through use of the +, -
and ACCEPT/REJECT touch pads, specific
"notches" can be created by turning dis-
crimination segments ON and OFF in any
of the five operating modes.
There are two methods of setting discrimi-
nation in any mode.
ꢁ2 - Garrett Metal Detectors
First Method: While in the OPERATE mode
press the + and - touch pads to position the
blinking cursor above the Discrimination
Segment corresponding to the particular
target to be detected or ignored.
If the segment is turned on (showing),
that target will be signaled audibly. If you
wish to reject that type target, press the
ACCEPT/REJECT touch pad. The segment
will be turned off and disappear, creating a
"reject notch." If the Lower Scale segment
is not showing, press the ACCEPT/REJECT
touch pad to turn it on, creating an "accept
notch," and your GTI will sound off on
targets represented by that segment. The
OPERATE pad must also be pressed after
notches have been set.
Second Method: Pass the searchcoil over
an object to be accepted or rejected as a
target or pass the particular target across
the face (bottom) of the coil about two
inches away. Check to make certain of
the location of the target cursor on the
Upper Scale. If the segment below is not
showing, press ACCEPT/REJECT to turn it
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢁꢀ
on. If it is showing, pressing this pad will
turn it OFF.
Remember: When you press the ACCEPT/
REJECT touch pad, you cause the dis-
crimination circuit to reject a target that is
shown on corresponding segments of both
the Lower and Upper Scales. This rejection
will be indicated by the disappearance of a
Lower Scale segment.
The same touch pad is used to cause
the detector to accept a target. When
such a desired target is being shown by
the cursor but not the corresponding
Discrimination Segment below, press the
ACCEPT/REJECT touch pad. The segment
will be turned ON and appear, indicating
that your desired target will now cause a
Note: It is important to remember that
each time the detector is turned OFF
ACCEPT/REJECT selections will be retained
only in the Custom mode. Any ACCEPT
/ REJECT modifications you have made
in the preset Coins, Jewelry, Relics and
Zero modes will be lost, since these four
ꢁꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
modes return to factory-set detection
settings each time the detector is turned
OFF and turned back ON. Custom mode
discrimination changes will be lost only
when POWER is held for five (5) seconds
for return of factory settings.
Why Use Notches?
There are numerous reasons why you
would want to accept or reject specific
You may be looking for only one item, a
certain lost earring, for example. You can
use the matching earring to set notches
on your GTI to accept only that type of
metal target. You may be hunting in an
area where you are plagued with a specific
type of trash. You can reject just this type
of trash metal and continue to hunt with
no other discrimination, detecting all other
metal. You may have your own special
ideas for designing a mode of detection.
The Garrett GTI 1500 gives you virtually
unlimited opportunities to test any and all
your ideas and to try them out easily and
quickly. Only Garrett's GTI and GTA detec-
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢁ5
tors permit such accurate levels of precise
discrimination. Return to factory settings
by pressing and holding the POWER touch
pad for 5 seconds.
ꢁ6 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Sizing and pinpointing targets precisely
are important capabilities of your GTI
1500. Furthermore, when you press and
hold the TREASURE IMAGING pad, the
searchcoil can remain stationary over your
target. Move the coil around slightly to
try to center it directly over the target.
Targets must pass beneath the searchcoil,
not above it.
The searchcoil must be centered directly
over the target to produce correct size
and depth information. This is especially
important when searching such areas
as slanted walls or the ceiling of a cave.
Targets that are not properly centered may
be indicated as deeper and larger than you
will find them to be after digging.
Here's a tip. For most effective normal
automatic pinpointing: first, place the
searchcoil on the ground near your target,
but not over it. Then, press and hold the
TREASURE IMAGING touch pad. Scan back
and forth across the target, maintaining
searchcoil contact with the ground. You
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢁ7
will notice a more distinct audio sound
when the target is directly beneath the
searchcoil's center. In addition, you will
note that signal strength on the Upper
Scale will increase. The Upper Scale cursor
indicating the target just discovered will
blink, even as signal strength is shown.
Depth Reading on Scales
When you press and hold the TREASURE
IMAGING touch pad, depth will be indi-
cated on the Lower Scale. Correct depth is
given for all targets, not just for coin-size
objects. Illumination of Upper Scale seg-
ments, from left to right, indicates target
signal strength. The maximum reading
attained will indicate exact target loca-
tion. While still pressing the TREASURE
IMAGING touch pad, check the Lower
Scale to determine target depth in one-
inch increments.
Size Imaging
TREASURE IMAGING touch pad, you can
observe your target’s size as shown on the
Display Screen.
ꢁ8 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Four typical examples:
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - ꢁ9
Radiating Size Array
While the TREASURE IMAGING touch pad
is being pressed and held, you may occa-
sionally observe a size reading that con-
tinues to change dramatically, with the
size appearing to "radiate" rapidly and
continually outward from the small oval
at the center. Garrett engineers call this
a "Radiating Array" effect, which indicates
that the target is too deep and/or too
small to determine an exact size.
It is likely, however, that the target is
either Size A at 6"; a Size B at 8"; Size C
at 10"; or Size D at 12". No depth reading
will be displayed while the Radiating Array
is occurring. The Array may also appear
when the target is significantly off-center
from the coil. Always remember that your
searchcoil must be centered directly over
the target to produce correct size and
depth information.
50 - Garrett Metal Detectors
This will enable you to test typical targets
and to learn about the discriminating
capabilities of the GTI before taking it into
the field or trying to set discrimination.
The following tests should be performed,
as shown above with the searchcoil per-
pendicular to a bench, floor or other non-
metallic surface and several feet away
from any metallic object:
1. Select the Zero mode of operation.
Bring various metallic targets across the
center of the bottom of the searchcoil at a
distance of about two inches. Each target
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 51
will cause a "beep." Pay particular atten-
tion to the size of each target as indicated
when you press and hold the TREASURE
IMAGING touch pad.
2. Use the MENU/SCROLL and (+) or (--)
touch pads to select the Coins detection
mode. Then press OPERATE. Bring the
same targets across the bottom of the
searchcoil and listen for a "beep" when the
various items are scanned. Notice where
the Target Cursor darkens in the Upper
Scale of the Graphic Display when particu-
lar targets are scanned across the coil.
ꢀ. Perform the same tests with the other
modes and observe the sounds, Upper
Scale indications and sizes when the
TREASURE IMAGING touch pad is pressed
and held.
ꢁ. Begin to experiment with the ACCEPT
and REJECT touch pads. Notice carefully
which of the segments are illuminated as
you identify various targets.
5. Be methodical. Keep written records of
results and use them when hunting.
52 - Garrett Metal Detectors
As you walk, scan the searchcoil from side
to side in a straight line or slight arc. Keep
the coil level and at a constant height of
one or two inches above the ground while
you move it at a rate of about one to three
feet per second.
When scanning, do not hurry. Be methodi-
cal. Do not skip any areas. Overlap each
scan sweep at least 25% of the search-
coil's width. Wear headphones to avoid
ambient noises and concentrate on scan-
ning. When you are searching in the Zero
mode, detection of any metal target will be
indicated by a "beep."
Target Identification
Conductivity classification of every target
over which the searchcoil passes will be
indicated by a target cursor on the Upper
Scale. The searchcoil must be centered
over your target to produce accurate size
and depth information.
Highly mineralized soil can occasionally
result in improper conductivity readings.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 5ꢀ
Raising the coil an inch or two as you
scan over such soil is sometimes helpful.
Remember to keep the coil level and at
a constant height. Encrustation or patina
may also affect conductivity of the target,
resulting in improper classification.
Recovery (Treasure Imaging)
Locating your target precisely will enable
you to recover it by digging the smallest
hole possible. This is accomplished first
by pinpointing which also enables you to
utilize another function of the GTI 1500 for
measuring size and depth.
Begin to locate targets by first drawing
an imaginary "X" on the ground with the
searchcoil at the place where maximum
sound occurs. You can then utilize the real
"magic" of the Treasure Imaging mode and
learn size and depth.
Since the final step in recovery usually
entails digging, always make as small a
hole as possible. It is quicker, requires less
work and makes refilling easier. You should
always fill your holes.
5ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Last Mode
Use of this touch pad can be particularly
helpful while scanning because it effec-
tively converts your GTI 1500 into an
instantaneous dual, or triple-mode detec-
tor. Pressing and releasing this touch
pad returns detector operations to the
mode that has just previously been used.
Thus, it is easy to alternate between any
two operating modes, such as Coins and
Zero or Custom. Pressing the TREASURE
IMAGING touch pad, then, provides a
third, all-metal mode.
More On Target Audio
It is important to remember that the GTI's
audio causes weaker targets to be detect-
ed with shorter "beeps" and stronger tar-
gets to be detected with longer “beeps.”
When a metallic object is accepted, the
detector will, of course, “beep”. Some
rejected targets, however, may cause
audio to “break Up” or sound erratic. This
is generally a response to shallow, trash
targets and can be remedied by rais-
ing the height of your searchcoil slightly
when scanning (always keeping it level).
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 55
Another indication of a reject target is an
audio signal as you scan one way, and no
response when scanning from the other
If you encounter a large target or scan too
close to it, the detector will give an audible
overload indication, which sounds like a
buzzing alarm. Target identification, size
and depth readings may be incorrect if an
overload occurs.
Setting Sensitivity
Garrett engineers designed your GTI 1500
to achieve maximum detection depth, but
you may not always be able to search
at 100% sensitivity (depth)...just as you
rarely can (or, even want to) operate your
automobile at 100% of its speed capacity.
Outside electromagnetic interference and
irregular ground mineralization may some-
times require that you search at reduced
Don't worry about losing "deep targets!"
You won't ever be losing anything because
you'll always be able to search as deeply
56 - Garrett Metal Detectors
as ground and atmospheric conditions
permit. Attempting to operate at sensitivi-
ties above a level that permits a quiet and
stable operation may actually cause you
to miss deep targets that you would have
found had you not "pushed" the detector.
Another point to remember is that when
you are searching with SENSITIVITY set
below the maximum under "less-than-
perfect" conditions, you will always have
additional detection power when you are
able to use it.
Test Plot Construction
As you search and use your GTI 1500,
you will quickly grow more proficient in its
use. Building and using your own test plot
will sharply increase this proficiency. Bury
several items at varying depths of 1"-6"
about 18" apart. Include several coins, a
ring, a nail, a piece of foil, a pull tab and a
bottle cap. Bury large items such as a 12-
oz. can or a length of pipe deeper (10").
Clearly mark where each article is buried
and its depth. Scan over them while care-
fully studying the detection signals.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 57
Remember that newly buried objects,
especially coins, will be somewhat more
difficult to detect than items buried for
some time. This is primarily a metallurgi-
cal phenomenon. Experiment with various
detection modes, and pay close attention
to both audio and TREASURE IMAGING
signals as you scan. Note your detector's
response at the various settings. Practice
pinpointing and imaging to locate targets
With Experience
After you have hunted with the GTI 1500
for only a short time, you will be surprised
at how proficient you have become with
it. Do not expect to achieve the great-
est accuracy and success, however, until
you have used this detector for at least
100 hours or more. Don't forget to take
Charles Garrett’s advice to press only one
touch pad and search in the factory preset
Coins detection mode for at least 10 hours
during your “learning” phase.
Remember, the more you use your detec-
tor in the correct manner, the more trea-
sure you will discover.
58 - Garrett Metal Detectors
The headphone jack is located at the rear
of the battery pack under the armrest.
Headphones are a valuable accessory
for any metal detector to mask interfer-
ence from outside noise. Headphones are
particularly essential when hunting where
noise (running water, people, surf, traffic,
etc.) is excessive. Use of headphones will
also extend battery life.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 59
Your GTI 1500 is equipped with a 9.5"
PROformance imaging coil.
You may also wish to purchase a 12.5"
imaging coil. Also available for the GTI
1500 are a ꢁ.5" Sniper coil, a 10" x 1ꢁ" DD
coil and a 5x10" DD coil.
The larger coil is helpful in seeking large
and deep targets, while the smaller and
elliptical coils are designed for use in
especially trashy locations or places where
a larger searchcoil just won't reach or
can't fit. All Garrett searchcoils are fully
60 - Garrett Metal Detectors
The GTI 1500 is equipped with two bat-
tery packs, each holding four (ꢁ) standard
AA batteries. (It is recommended that top
quality heavy duty or alkaline batteries
be used. The detector is also designed to
utilize nickel metal hydride (NiMH)
rechargeable batteries.) It is advisable to
remove the battery packs when the detec-
tor is not in use, particularly for a period
of a month or more.
Although standard battery packs and
optional rechargeable packs can be used
interchangeably in the detector, it is recom-
mended that both packs being used at the
same time always be the same type. The
GTI 1500 should search at least 18 hours
with carbon batteries and longer with alka-
line cells. Rechargeables should power the
detector approximately 20 hours on a full
charge. These estimates are for speaker
operation with the Backlight turned off.
Operating with headphones will further
extend battery life.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 61
Checking Condition
Battery condition is reported continuously
by the horizontal row of squares on the
lower right side of the screen. Five are vis-
ible when fully charged batteries are being
used. When only one square remains,
batteries should be changed. You should
always carry spares so that you will be
Rechargeable Batteries
When rechargeable batteries are being
used, the RECHARGE battery option must
be turned on for the battery level indi-
cator to be accurate. Continue pressing
the menu button to scroll to the battery
RECHARGE icon. Press (+) to set the
detector for rechargeable batteries. Press
(-) to set the detector for carbon or alka-
line batteries.
1. Turn OFF the GTI 1500 by pressing the
POWER touch pad.
2. It is not necessary to remove the bat-
tery case. Just slide it back slightly from
its normal position beneath the armrest.
62 - Garrett Metal Detectors
ꢀ. Slip up the two covers on the battery
panel and remove them completely.
ꢁ. Take out the two battery holders (which
are not connected by wire) by tilting the
pack. (See image above.)
5. Remove the old batteries.
6. Install new batteries. Carefully observe
polarity of the batteries and make certain
the new batteries are aligned properly.
7. Replace holders in detector (as shown
in image on next page). It is important
that the "eyelets" be toward the center so
that battery packs will be replaced in their
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 6ꢀ
proper orientation. This is important! If an
effort is made to install holders incorrectly,
replacing the battery case covers will be
difficult. If they are forced, damage to the
detector can result.
8. Press down firmly and slide each cover
back in place. Remember: The detector
must be turned off when batteries are
being changed.
Caution: Use only high quality NiMH, car-
bon, alkaline or heavy duty batteries.
6ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Your Garrett GTI 1500 represents the
highest quality in metal detector manufac-
turing. Complement it with quality acces-
sories such as these from Garrett:
• Headphones that will enable you to
hear signals from the GTI more distinctly
because they will mask other conflicting
sounds from the environment.
• Additional searchcoils.
• Rechargeable Battery Pack and Recharger
that cuts down on the cost of batteries.
• Coin Hunter Kit (pouch, probe, digger)
that is all you need for recovering coins in
the outdoors.
• Coil cover to protect your 9.5” searchcoil
and lengthen its lifespan.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 65
• Always remember that your GTI 1500
is a sensitive electronic instrument. It is
built to withstand rugged treatment in the
outdoors. Use your Garrett detector to the
fullest extent possible, and never feel that
you have to baby it. Yet, always protect
the detector and handle it with reasonable
• Try to avoid temperature extremes as
much as possible, such as storing the
detector in an automobile trunk during hot
summer months or outdoors in sub-freez-
ing weather.
• Keep your detector clean. Always wipe
the housing and LCD after use, and wash
the coil when necessary.
• Your searchcoil is submersible. The con-
trol housing is not! Never submerge the
control housing, and always protect it from
heavy mist, rain or blowing surf.
• Disassemble the stem and wipe it clean
after use in sandy areas.
66 - Garrett Metal Detectors
• When storing for a month or longer,
remove batteries from the detector and
from their holders as well.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 67
Because of its unique discrimination and
imaging capabilities, the GTI 1500 func-
tions as an outstanding coin hunting
detector, especially in its Coins mode.
Deep seeking capability, target conduc-
tivity and Treasure Imaging information
available from Digital Signal Processor
(DSP) circuitry, plus the GTI 1500's ease
of handling make this a superb instrument
for finding coins.
In addition, target sizing presents a sec-
ond dimension in discrimination. When
you discover a target whose conductivity
as shown on the Upper Scale indicates that
it might be a coin, check its size. If it's not
a B-size target, it's not likely to be a U. S.
coin! Small gold coins and antique coins
may read A-size.
Whether you choose to hunt for them in
a park or on a beach, Garrett's factory-
set Coins mode offers discrimination that
responds ideally to conditions normally
encountered. You may occasionally dis-
68 - Garrett Metal Detectors
cover quantities of specific trash targets
that are not being eliminated from detec-
tion by factory-set discrimination. You can
then use the ACCEPT/REJECT touch pad
to eliminate these pesky pieces of junk,
no matter which mode you are using. Just
move your searchcoil across one of them,
watch your Upper Scale for its response
and push the ACCEPT/REJECT touch pad.
The Lower Scale notch vanishes, and you'll
have no more trouble from that type of
trash metal. With the GTI 1500 you spend
less time digging trash and more time dig-
ging coins!
Custom discrimination enables you to
design your own coin-hunting mode. Any
Custom discrimination selections you make
will be retained in the detector's memory,
even after the instrument has been turned
OFF and the batteries removed.
For literature explaining more about coin
hunting see the Recommended section in
this manual. An order blank is included
or you can call 1.800.527.ꢁ011 to place a
credit card order.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 69
Relics of all shapes and sizes can be
found with a GTI 1500 when you hunt in
its Relics mode. This mode is especially
designed to eliminate those nuisance tar-
gets most often encountered in relic hunt-
ing. You may also want to search in the
Zero Discrimination mode, but you must
be prepared to dig metallic trash since
your detector will sound off on any metal it
locates when hunting in that mode.
Whenever you search in an area where
relics are known to exist, you can be cer-
tain to find them with a GTI 1500.
Gold Nuggets
Gold and other precious metals can be
found in various forms with a GTI 1500.
You will most likely be searching for gold
nuggets, which this detector can locate in
streams or dry sand. Since the GTI 1500
is a motion detector, it is capable of finding
only somewhat larger nuggets (the size of
a BB-pellet and larger).
To locate even smaller nuggets (pinhead-
size and slightly larger) Garrett's Scorpion
70 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Gold Stinger is recommended.
It must be emphasized, however, that
prospectors, when using the GTI 1500 or
any other quality detector usually prefer to
operate in the Zero Discrimination detec-
tion mode. When prospecting, discrimi-
nation may reduce the amount of small
nuggets found, but some areas contain so
much iron trash that a small amount of
discrimination becomes highly desirable,
even necessary. You may want to estab-
lish a special "notch" to avoid a particular
junk metal target that is proving especially
Hard work, patience and research are
three of the keys to success in hunting
for gold with a metal detector. Research
is important because it is vital that gold
always be sought in areas where it is
known to exist.
For literature that will explain more about
gold hunting see the Recommended
Reading section in this Owner's Manual.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 71
In case of difficulty, read this Owner's
Manual again thoroughly to make certain
your Garrett GTI 1500 is not inoperable
because of wrong adjustments or improp-
er operating methods. Your dealer may
also be able to offer advice. Remember
that computerized circuitry of this detec-
tor permits you to restore instantly all of
its precise factory settings. Simply hold
down the POWER touch pad for five (5)
When your detector must be returned to
the factory for service, always include a
letter with the instrument that describes
its problem as fully as possible. Include
your name, address and a phone number
where you can be contacted between 8:ꢀ0
a.m. and ꢁ p.m., Central time.
Before you return your detector to the
Garrett factory, make certain:
• You have carefully inspected batteries
and their alignment.
(Check batteries
especially closely. They are the most com-
mon cause of detector “failure.")
72 - Garrett Metal Detectors
• You have checked with your dealer.
• You have tried to restore factory set-
• You have carefully packed the detec-
tor in its original shipping carton or other
suitable box. Make certain that proper
insulation or packing material is used to
keep all parts secure. Do not ship stems,
headphones or armrests unless they are
part of the problem. Return any coil that
you believe may be causing a problem.
• Ship to Garrett Metal Detectors, 1881
West State Street, Garland, TX 750ꢁ2.
Foreign shipments must be authorized by
a local agent or representative.
• You can call Garrett's Customer Service
Department (972) ꢁ9ꢁ-6151, if you have
further questions.
Please allow approximately one week for
Garrett technicians to examine and ser-
vice your detector after receiving it, plus
another week for return shipping. All
equipment will be returned UPS or parcel
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 7ꢀ
post unless you give written authorization
to ship collect by air parcel post, UPS Blue
(air) or air freight.
7ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Since your Garrett GTI 1500 is a truly
universal detector, all of the RAM books
will be pertinent to its use. Of particular
interest, however, will be the revised ver-
sion of Garrett's popular Modern Metal
Detectors, a basic text that will help you
to understand all types of metal detection
equipment and how to use them.
A special section of the revised edition is
devoted to the use of One-Touch comput-
erized detectors.
For beginners, however, the new edition
of Treasure Hunting for Fun and Profit will
prove especially interesting and helpful.
Where can you hunt? How about ghost
towns and deserted structures? You will
read about them in Charles Garrett's
Ghost Town Treasures.
Bob Marx's Buried Treasures You Can Find
locates thousands of sites where trea-
sure is know to have existed. This fine
book also includes much good information
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 75
about One-Touch detectors such as the
GTI 2500.
You will also be interested in The New
Successful Coin Hunting, filled with "how
to" tips and success stories about coin
Charles Garrett's pocket-sized, treasure-
hunting field guides are also highly recom-
mended. Titles in this informative series
include: How To Find Lost Treasure; How
To Find Gold: Metal Detecting and Panning;
and How To Search Sand and Surf.
Since the GTI 1500 is such an excellent
detector for hunting for gold nuggets and
ore veins, you will be interested in You Can
Find Gold with a Metal Detector. All hob-
byists are urged to familiarize themselves
with this most interesting and exciting
aspect of metal detecting.
76 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Please send me the following RAM books:
(Please indicate number of copies desired.)
___ New Successful Coin Hunting....................$9.95
___ Treasure Hunting for Fun and Profit .........$9.95
___ Treasure Caches Can Be Found.................$9.95
___ Ghost Town Treasures................................$9.95
___ You Can Find Gold with a Metal Detector....$9.95
___ Buried Treasures You Can Find...............$14.95
___ Gold of the Americas..................................$9.95
___ New Modern Metal Detectors..................$12.95
___ Gold Panning is Easy.................................$9.95
___ How to Find Lost Treasure*.......................$3.95
___ How to Find Gold ......................................$3.95
___ How to Search Sand and Surf ....................$3.95
* Free with the purchase of any other RAM book or
Garrett product. If you do not wish to purchase anything but
would like a free copy of How to Find Lost Treasure, mail
$2.00 for postage/handling to our address. U.S. orders only.
For international orders, contact
Please send payment to:
RAM Publishing Co.
1881 West State Street
Garland, Texas 75042
(Order form continued on back of this page)
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 77
Add $2.00 for first book, and $1.00 for each additional book
ordered (maximum $3.00) for handling and shipping charges.
Total for books
8.25% Tax (TX/CA residents) $______________
Handling Charge
Payment Options:
___ Enclosed check or money order
___ I prefer to order through:
___ American Express
___ Visa
___ MasterCard
___ Discover
Card Number: ____________________________
Expiration Date of Card: ___________________
Phone Number: __________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Required on credit card purchases
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________
78 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Detector Type: Very low Frequency, trans-
mitter/receiver, Treasure Imaging and
Graphic Target Analyzer for precise target
identification, multiple notch discrimina-
Controls: Easy access touch pads
Display: High visibility LCD adjacent to
touch pads; data accessible at any angle;
Detection Frequency: 7.0 kHz, adjustable
Circuitry: Linear transmitter/receiver/fil-
ter front end Crystal controlled 1ꢀ.ꢀ MHz
High reliability surface-mount printed cir-
cuit board construction
Audio Frequency: 275 to 710 Hz
Batteries: Eight (8) AA
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 79
Battery Life: (Approximate)
Alkaline: 25 hrs.
Carbon Zinc: 18 hrs.
NiMH: 20 hrs.
Humidity: 0 to 95% Non-condensing
Operating: 0 to 1ꢀ0 F.
Storage: -20 to 150 F.
High strength glass-filled nylon with han-
dle-mounted control/display panel.
Weight: (With 9 1/2-inch searchcoil) ꢁ
lbs., 2 ozs.
80 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Filling holes and obeying no trespassing
signs are but two requirements of a dedi-
cated metal detector hobbyist. A sincere
request that Charles Garrett makes to
every user of one of his detectors is that
each place searched be left in a better
condition than it was found. Thousands of
individuals and organizations have adopt-
ed this formal Metal Detector Operators
Code of Ethics:
• I will respect private and public property,
all historical and archaeological sites and
will do no metal detecting on these lands
without proper permission.
• I will keep informed on and obey all laws,
regulations and rules governing federal,
state and local public lands.
• I will aid law enforcement officials when-
ever possible.
• I will cause no willful damage to property
of any kind, including fences, signs and
buildings and will always fill holes I dig.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 81
• I will not destroy property, buildings
or the remains of ghost towns and other
deserted structures.
• I will not leave litter or uncovered items
lying around. I will carry all trash and dug
targets with me when I leave each search
• I will observe the Golden Rule, using
good outdoor manners and conducting
myself at all times in a manner which will
add to the stature and public image of
all people engaged in the field of metal
82 - Garrett Metal Detectors
GTI 1500, TreasureVision, Graphic Target
Analyzer and OneTouch are TM of Garrett
Electronics, Inc.
Patent Protection:
Garrett's high tech instruments are pro-
tected by one or more of the following
U.S. Patents and other Patents Pending:
Design 27ꢁ,70ꢁ and 297,221
G. B. Design 2,011,852
Australia Design 111,67ꢁ.
Other patents pending.
All Garrett detectors are manufactured in
the United States of America.
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 8ꢀ
Any metal detector may discover under-
ground power lines, explosives or other
items which when struck could cause per-
sonal injury. When searching for treasure
with your Garrett GTI 1500, observe these
• Do not hunt in an area where you believe
there may be shallowly buried under-
ground electric lines or pipes.
• Do not hunt in a military zone where
bombs or other explosives may be buried.
• Avoid striking any line known to be or
suspected to be carrying electrical power.
• Do not disturb any pipeline, particularly
if it could be carrying flammable gas or
• Use reasonable caution in digging toward
any target, particularly in areas where
you are uncertain of underground condi-
8ꢁ - Garrett Metal Detectors
Graphic Target Imaging 1500 - 85
Garrett Metal Detectors
1881 W. State Street
Garland, Texas 750ꢁ2
T: (972) ꢁ9ꢁ-6151
F: (972) ꢁ9ꢁ-1881
1.800.527.ꢁ011 (U.S.)
86 - Garrett Metal Detectors
Garrett Metal Detectors. Copyright 2008
All Rights Reserved.
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